Friday, April 14, 2017

Strong and Insecure in the same mix?

We all know that person that won't hold on to toxic friendships. Won't settle for men that treat her disrespectfully. She has high standards and won't let anything remain in her life that brings her down. 

We think she's SO strong and hard that we even label her as cold-hearted at times.... but if we were REALLY to get to know her we would see how insecure she is. 

No one sees how terrified she is. No one notices that she struggles every day to stay strong.

She's the woman that looks like she has it all together, so no one thinks she needs any reminders of how beautiful or talented she is. You stay quiet while she is silently screaming inside for some encouragement, to be told that she's doing her best and that her best IS good enough. 

She may seem like a superhero, but she's still human. She needs her friends. She needs support. She needs the reminder that no one is perfect and the insecurities she feels inside don't make her less of a person. They make her REAL. 

She's very selective of who she allows in her life, so if you're in her life you matter. 

She tries to make everyone happy, but that's impossible to do. She wants her family to be proud of her. She tries to make sure her friends are happy and cheer them up when they're down. She tries to make her partner happy and buy and do all of the "perfect" things for him. 

And it all drains her.... She feels responsible to take care of everyone else.... but some days just taking care of herself is hard enough. She finds the strength to make it through the day and rarely tells others exactly how long her day is or the struggle it is to just make it through.

She isn't the type to give up. She's a fixer. She's a giver. She's an achiever. 

Even though her insecurities slow her down at times, they never stop her. She fights off the annoying voices in her head that tell her she's stupid, not enough, ugly, or doesn't have enough experience. 

She does what she sets out to do... even when she's unsure if she will succeed.  

How can you blame her for being insecure when she has such high standards for herself? She never feels as though she's done enough. She's her worst critic but she's also her strongest attribute because she won't allow herself to fail. She knows what she wants and she won't stop until it's a reality. 

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