Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Dear Miss Independent...

"I am not a one in a million kind of girl, but a once in a lifetime kind of woman."~ Unknown
Dear Miss Independent... I know your secret.
I know you wear your independence as a shield to protect and cover yourself because you have been hurt before and you are used to doing everything on your own.
So, just like me, you choose independence and you wear it like sexy black heels and your little black dress on a night out! You've always thought you were choosing this independent life, but in reality you are letting it choose you. The truth is, there is no strength in pretending you can do life all on your own.
One day you'll see that you don't have to fight this word to make a point. You can put down your sword and shield and enjoy life. I know how it feels to be disappointed, and left alone too many nights to ponder life, love, and just how you got to this place in life where you are now.
You have clung to your independence like a child clings to it's mothers skirt... because this seems to be the one thing in life that you can control... the one thing that won't leave you no matter what! But the truth is Miss Independent... just because you CAN do it all on your own... it doesn't mean you really want to or that you have to.
As hard as it is... it's okay to admit that you might need someone every once in while... that while you're comfortable in your independence, with your walls up and protected like Fort Knox, it doesn't mean that you're always happy with it.
I'm here to tell you that it's okay to let those walls come down... it's okay to cry, let yourself be moved by life, and let it spill out over those gorgeous lashes and wet your cheeks with the reality of what's really going on deep down inside that beautiful soul of yours. You're no less independent if you cry, if you find yourself at the bottom, unsure how to get back on top again. Never doubt that there is beauty in your tears and in being vulnerable... and letting your fear show.
Never let yourself forget that YOU are beautiful and YOU are amazing! You've held your shit together through the darkest nights and the strongest storms. What you don't understand is that no one, who truly knows you, doubts what you're capable of, but sometimes you have to lay it down and admit that you need more. You are independent, you are strong, but that does not also mean that you aren't vulnerable, that your heart doesn't bleed for the desires of your soul, for that one person who will accept and love you for WHO you are.
I know that you truly believe that you are the only one you can count on, because you've been disappointed and let down so many times before.... but it's simply not true. You have to crash those damn walls down. Break apart everything you have built around yourself.... because the truth is Miss Independent, you have got your life together. And even though at times you long for someone to take care of you, just once.... you are successful, you've proven that you can fund your own life, and your own dreams.
Giving up a bit of your independence sounds like one of the scariest things you have ever heard... relaxing your reigns on your heart and life... and let someone in who has the possibility of destroying you... but you can keep letting your fears of what could go wrong stop you from dreaming about what could go right. I know that your heart breaks because the past has taught you that there is something wrong with you because you seek more than most just settle for. I know that what is deep down in your soul can barely be explained to others, so it terrifies you when someone comes along and challenges the walls you've built up to protect yourself.
I also know that what you fear most is also what matters to you the most. You will always have you eyes on the future and your mind in the present. You will always be striving to be better than you were yesterday.... it's just apart of who you are.
You don't need a prince on a white horse to come in and save you... we are not damsels in distress, but inside, we are as fragile as they come, there is nothing more beautiful than a woman who has been broken, but keeps on believing in  love... even if we like to pretend that is not the case.
You're not any less independent or strong if you let someone share in the weight of the world. In fact, knowing what you need and not being afraid to go after it is the very declaration of sweet independence. The most beautiful, vulnerable thing you can do Miss Independent... is to let yourself be loved.

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